2024 Music Evangelist

Marcus A. Whitworth, Sr (age 65) is serving the Body of Christ for 41 consecutive years as an Ordained Evangelist/Revivalist.  He joyfully follows the Biblical model of Kind David – type Worship of the Lord, “in the beauty of Holiness.” It gives him much pleasure to include the blowing of the Jewish Shofar, better known in the Bible as “The Trumpet of the Lord.” Marcus accompanies himself musically on the keyboard and guitar.  He usually sings a blend of old & new songs, plus new, original material, and even the Davidic “New Song”  a free-flowing Song in the Spirit.

He has been happily married to Donna for 44 years.  They have 1 son in Heaven, and 2 adult sons with families, including 7 grandchildren here on earth.  Marcus enjoys hobbies in stick or cane making and various other crafts.  He enjoys shopping at antique, thrift, junk stores, garage sales, etc.

We are delighted he will lead us in worship in July 2024 at Imperial Valley Holiness Camp!