Farm Fresh Faith at IVHA in 2024

Summer is approaching at a high rate of speed and we need your help!  July 22-26, 2024 we are doing something at Imperial Valley Holiness Camp that we have never done before!  We are hosting a Vacation Bible School every morning that week for the local kids!  Why are we changing it up?  Because we want to make new friends!

Kris Mustion and Kathy Weintz will be back this year to head up this exciting new adventure.  The theme is Farm Fresh Faith.  We will have Bible lessons, Games, Music, Snacks, and Crafts. The kids should arrive at the campgrounds at 8:30 each morning and be ready to pick up at 11:20-11:30.  We invite all preschool – 5th-grade kids.

We plan to have 2 different bus stops in Imperial to pick kids up and bus them to the camp, and we will return them to the same bus stops later in the morning.  Parents are also welcome to drop off and pick up their children personally.

There will be a short Bible School program on Friday at 6 pm.  We will have a picnic supper starting at 5 pm for the kids and their families.  Crafts can be picked up at that time.

How can you help? Invite kids to join us!  If you have the schedule flexibility to help wrangle kids, please join us.  Bonus points if you bring a vehicle full of kids!

There will also be afternoon activities for the kids who stay on the grounds.