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Deb Ballard will teach the Youth on spending intentional time with God

We are excited to announce that Deb Ballard will be coming to IVHA in 2024 to work with the Middle and High Schoolers.  Deb is from Brookline, Missouri and has a ministry called Guided Steps.  This is what she says about Guided Steps:

“July 26, 2018 – Current – Our overall mission that God has given us…

Build A Community of Love & Not Judgement, Tell GOD’s Testimonies & Reach the Lost & Broken
I have been following leading of the Holy Spirit daily and all in God’s timing we are helping the Saints to draw near to God, have fellowship with Him daily, be still & listen, hear His voice, and become disciples that are STANDing for Revival. We are helping God equipping the Saints with managing their time so that they are not letting the devil steal, kill & destroy time away from God. We all need to Love God with all of our heart, soul, mind & strength and we all need accountability & commitment to God to do His great work.

God has guided us to some BIG things and we know that He is a BIGGER God. Every step we take is lead by His Guided Steps. We are blessed to be finishing the puzzle for the following to help the Saints….

Build A Community of Saints that are seeking the MORE of God (Love & Not Judgement)
Tell GOD’s Testimonies & reach the Lost & Broken = We are telling God’s Testimonies of God experiences.
Guided Steps Planner
Kid/Teens Guided Steps Planner
Pray & Plan with God = Learning to Pray & Plan with God daily!
I AM A Disciple = 52 Week Disciple Program
God Mornings = LIVE time together to seek God (Sundays – Fridays)
Submit Sundays = LIVE to Submit to God for the week and let the Holy Spirit speak.
STAND in Revival = We are standing together for a move of the Holy Spirit in us individually (Mon – Fri)

We are building first with adults but we completely believe that we have to reach our youth and that will be the next steps for Guided Steps Kid/Teens. We believe that the youth need to be trained the way that they need to go in this world of darkness we ALL need to be light that shines bright.

At the Holiness camp we will be guiding the youth to START & END their day with God. How to spend intentional time with God and draw near to Him daily. We will be teaching them to seek him with ALL of their heart & soul.”

To learn more about Deb and Guided Steps check out their website

IVHA 2024 Kick Off Concert will be on Broadway in Imperial

We are very excited to announce that the Imperial Valley Holiness Camp Kick-Off Concert will be held on Broadway Street in Imperial, Nebraska this year!  The concert will be held in the common area between the Library and the City Gym.  All are welcome to this high-quality and high-impact event.

Mark Umfleet has been named the 2021 International Male Vocalist of the

Year by the Country Gospel Music Association.  He is also the speaker for the entire 10 days of camp at IVHA this year.  Chase County is blessed to have him.   Check out this video for a taste of what this concert will be like!  h

2024 Music Evangelist

Marcus A. Whitworth, Sr (age 65) is serving the Body of Christ for 41 consecutive years as an Ordained Evangelist/Revivalist.  He joyfully follows the Biblical model of Kind David – type Worship of the Lord, “in the beauty of Holiness.” It gives him much pleasure to include the blowing of the Jewish Shofar, better known in the Bible as “The Trumpet of the Lord.” Marcus accompanies himself musically on the keyboard and guitar.  He usually sings a blend of old & new songs, plus new, original material, and even the Davidic “New Song”  a free-flowing Song in the Spirit.

He has been happily married to Donna for 44 years.  They have 1 son in Heaven, and 2 adult sons with families, including 7 grandchildren here on earth.  Marcus enjoys hobbies in stick or cane making and various other crafts.  He enjoys shopping at antique, thrift, junk stores, garage sales, etc.

We are delighted he will lead us in worship in July 2024 at Imperial Valley Holiness Camp!

Mark Umfleet IVHA 2024 Speaker & Concert

The 2024 Imperial Valley Holiness Camp will be held from July 18 to the 28th on the campgrounds East of Imperial. Our Speaker will be Mark Umfleet! Mark will share with us each morning and evening during the 10 days of camp.  A bonus is that Mark is our artist for our Annual Kick Off Concert.  We are taking our Kick-Off Concert to town this year and will be sharing more details as we get closer to July.  To get a taste of Mark and his music go take a look and listen at

Mark and Dori Umfleet live in Forsyth, Montana, a rural community on the banks of the Yellowstone River. He is the pastor of The Point, a Wesleyan Church, and together they operate WeeCare Child Care, a ministry of their church. Mark is the leader of The Back Roads Parish, a mission to reach rural communities with the Gospel of Christ. He serves as Vice President at Cadwell Springs Camp, an interdenominational holiness camp in Southeast Montana.

Together, Mark and Dori have 4 children: Jabin and daughter-in-law Ally, with granddaughter Hazel, serve in ministry at Crossroads Farm in Reading, Michigan; Naomi and son-in-law Alex serve in ministry at The Branch Wesleyan Church in Lafayette, Indiana; Isaiah and Solomon are both students at Indiana Wesleyan University, where Solomon is a wide receiver on the IWU Wildcats football team.

Mark loves to hunt in the fall and to prospect for gold in the spring and summer. His favorite movies are The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Hunt for Red October, The Man from Snowy River, and every John Wayne or Jimmy Stewart western. Dori loves kids: her own and all others. She tolerates country music, only because that’s what Mark prefers to sing. Her favorite movies are the short clips of baby Hazel sent by Ally and Jabin every day.

In 2021, the Country Gospel Music Association named Mark the International Male Vocalist of the Year. Mark has recorded two albums: At the Corner of Hope and Faith, and Do You Believe. His third album has been in production for a couple of years and will hopefully be released sometime in 2024. The working title of that album is The Sinner and the Saint: songs from The Door. The Door is a concert presentation of the Gospel like many have never heard. It has been described as an entire week of revival in one concert!