Category Archives: Youth

Youth information

Farm Fresh Faith at IVHA in 2024

Summer is approaching at a high rate of speed and we need your help!  July 22-26, 2024 we are doing something at Imperial Valley Holiness Camp that we have never done before!  We are hosting a Vacation Bible School every morning that week for the local kids!  Why are we changing it up?  Because we want to make new friends!

Kris Mustion and Kathy Weintz will be back this year to head up this exciting new adventure.  The theme is Farm Fresh Faith.  We will have Bible lessons, Games, Music, Snacks, and Crafts. The kids should arrive at the campgrounds at 8:30 each morning and be ready to pick up at 11:20-11:30.  We invite all preschool – 5th-grade kids.

We plan to have 2 different bus stops in Imperial to pick kids up and bus them to the camp, and we will return them to the same bus stops later in the morning.  Parents are also welcome to drop off and pick up their children personally.

There will be a short Bible School program on Friday at 6 pm.  We will have a picnic supper starting at 5 pm for the kids and their families.  Crafts can be picked up at that time.

How can you help? Invite kids to join us!  If you have the schedule flexibility to help wrangle kids, please join us.  Bonus points if you bring a vehicle full of kids!

There will also be afternoon activities for the kids who stay on the grounds.

Deb Ballard will teach the Youth on spending intentional time with God

We are excited to announce that Deb Ballard will be coming to IVHA in 2024 to work with the Middle and High Schoolers.  Deb is from Brookline, Missouri and has a ministry called Guided Steps.  This is what she says about Guided Steps:

“July 26, 2018 – Current – Our overall mission that God has given us…

Build A Community of Love & Not Judgement, Tell GOD’s Testimonies & Reach the Lost & Broken
I have been following leading of the Holy Spirit daily and all in God’s timing we are helping the Saints to draw near to God, have fellowship with Him daily, be still & listen, hear His voice, and become disciples that are STANDing for Revival. We are helping God equipping the Saints with managing their time so that they are not letting the devil steal, kill & destroy time away from God. We all need to Love God with all of our heart, soul, mind & strength and we all need accountability & commitment to God to do His great work.

God has guided us to some BIG things and we know that He is a BIGGER God. Every step we take is lead by His Guided Steps. We are blessed to be finishing the puzzle for the following to help the Saints….

Build A Community of Saints that are seeking the MORE of God (Love & Not Judgement)
Tell GOD’s Testimonies & reach the Lost & Broken = We are telling God’s Testimonies of God experiences.
Guided Steps Planner
Kid/Teens Guided Steps Planner
Pray & Plan with God = Learning to Pray & Plan with God daily!
I AM A Disciple = 52 Week Disciple Program
God Mornings = LIVE time together to seek God (Sundays – Fridays)
Submit Sundays = LIVE to Submit to God for the week and let the Holy Spirit speak.
STAND in Revival = We are standing together for a move of the Holy Spirit in us individually (Mon – Fri)

We are building first with adults but we completely believe that we have to reach our youth and that will be the next steps for Guided Steps Kid/Teens. We believe that the youth need to be trained the way that they need to go in this world of darkness we ALL need to be light that shines bright.

At the Holiness camp we will be guiding the youth to START & END their day with God. How to spend intentional time with God and draw near to Him daily. We will be teaching them to seek him with ALL of their heart & soul.”

To learn more about Deb and Guided Steps check out their website