
The following is the schedule for this year’s camp.

July 18th – July 28th, 2024

On Highway 6, 3 1/2 miles east of Imperial, Nebraska.

First Service – Thursday evening, 7:00 PM will be in Imperial in the 700 block of Broadway Street, on the lawn of the City Gym.  Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy this Gospel Concert with us!

The camp bell will ring for each activity during camp.

Weekday Schedule

Flag Raising
7:20 AM
Adult Prayer Meeting-Devotions for Youth and Children’s
8:30 AM
Morning Service-Youth Bible Study-Session for Children
10:30 AM
Adult Bible Study
1:30 PM
Youth Evangelistic Hour
1:30 PM
Children’s Meeting
1:30 PM
Harmony Hour
6:00 PM
Evening Service
7:00 PM
9:00 PM

Sunday Schedule

Flag Raising
7:20 AM
Prayer Meeting
8:30 AM
Sunday School
(Classes for all Ages)
9:30 AM
Worship Service
10:30 AM
Afternoon Service
2:00 PM
Children’s Service
2:00 PM
Harmony Hour
6:00 PM
Evening Service
7:00 PM

Vacation Bible School July 22-26th, 2024

8:30 – 11:30 AM Children will Participate in Vacation Bible School

The Youth will be helping with the kids during this time.

Missionary Day Schedule – Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Missionary Service will be on Thursday at 7 pm.