WGM Missionaries Bob and Lisa Margaron July 2022

Bob and Lisa Margaron

Bob: I was raised in a home filled with alcoholism and violence. Following in the footsteps of my parents, I became addicted to drugs by the age of 12. After dropping out of school and “doing my own thing” for many years, I came to the end of my rope. I cried out to God, and He rescued me from an attempted suicide. I then went to Oakland Peniel Mission and graduated from the one-year residential recovery program. I began searching for what God would have me do with my life. I met Lisa, a Peniel missionary, and we were married in 1995.

I joined Lisa in Stockton, California, serving the children, youth, and families on the south side. In 1996, I was given an appointment with WGM as a missionary. I was ordained in 1998. In 2007, I was privileged to become a Stockton Police chaplain. I am also a Stockton Police school resource chaplain, assigned to three schools in our area. I am humbled that God has chosen me to take His love to children and families who are in the same position I was in as a child.

Lisa: I became a Christian when I was 17 years old. After high school, I attended Vennard College (Iowa). After returning home to California, I continued to seek God’s direction in my life, wanting to serve Him wherever He could use me. In 1988, God called me to the mission field. I applied with WGM and was assigned to Honduras. I spent one year in language school in Costa Rica and then went to Honduras.

However, I was a missionary in turmoil, and I began to realize that I was not serving the people God had called me to. After eight months in Honduras, I transferred to Los Angeles Peniel. I knew I was doing the work God wanted me to. After two years in LA, I was asked if I would consider transferring to Stockton. I felt God directing me and began working here in 1994. After working a year by myself, I married Bob, thus doubling our staff! I am privileged to serve God in Stockton. He has led in so many ways over my life. He has been faithful, and I know He will continue to be.